Free Sentiments · Free Templates

Free Greening Sentiments Template Set

Hi all! Things are being little crazy these days, so I decided why not giving away a greeting sentiment before I finish my next beauty? Or two sentiments? Or three? And add a little something extra? Here they are, my new Free Greeting Sentiments Template Set:Darina's Crafts GreetingSentimentsPreview

Yes, they are FREE! All of them. Just grab the set and make a note, card, or a tag, whatever you want.

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General · Tutorials in Russian

Tutorial in Russian How to Make Orchid Card / Мастер-Класс “Как сделать Открытку Орхидеи

Добрый день! Для русскоговорящих мастеров и мастериц я добавляю видео Мастер-Класс на русском языке “Как сделать Открытку Орхидеи” с использованием сложных материалов. Видео, список материалов, а так же шаблон для скачивания находятся под катом.

*** Hi guys! As always, I am adding the same video tutorial with Russian soundtrack for the Orchid Card Template Bundle I posted earlier. To see this tutorial in English go here.

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Useful tips · Video Tutorials

Tutorial: How to Assemble Orchid Card with Card Box using stubborn materials

Hi Everyone! Here is my Tutorial on How to Assemble Orchid Card with a Card Box. In this tutorial, I used Orchid Card Template Bundle. You may find the full description of this template set here. Additionally, in this video, you may find helpful tips on who to work with stubborn materials which are not glue-friendly such as vellum and glitter side of the cardstock.
Without further ado, here is the step by step video guide for you:

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List of materials I used to assemble Orchid Card and Card Box: Continue reading “Tutorial: How to Assemble Orchid Card with Card Box using stubborn materials”
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